Learn piano in just 10 minutes per day.

Learn on your schedule with The 10-Minute Piano Coach - built specifically for busy adults like you, with personalized feedback from a coach.


Life is busy.

Between work, kids, grandkids, and travel, finding time for yourself—let alone for learning piano—feels impossible. Traditional weekly lessons require a rigid schedule, and if you miss a lesson, you fall behind, or lose your money. Does this mean your dream of playing piano has to stay on the back burner?

At RiverFront Studios, we see this challenge firsthand with 300 students coming through our doors each week. Many adults tell us, “I’ve always wanted to play, but I just can’t fit it in.” The desire is there—the time isn’t. But what if learning piano didn’t require a 30-60 minute appointment every week? What if, instead of feeling guilty about not practicing, you had a system that worked for your life?

Schedules are inconsistent.

What if learning fit your schedule?

Brief, doable lessons that fit into your busy schedule
Easy-to-follow practice sessions for each week
Personalized feedback from a coach
No rigid schedule—learn when it works for you!

Introducing the 10-Minute Piano Coach

The 10-Minute Piano Coach is designed specifically for on-the-go adults that want to learn how to play the piano from home, on their own schedule, with personalized feedback from a coach.

10-Minute Pre-Recorded Lessons

Perfectly fits into busy schedules, making piano learning simple and achievable for even the busiest adults.

10-Minute Interactive Practice

Removes the guesswork from practice, providing clear guidance and making every session productive and enjoyable.

Your Own Coach

Get on-demand personalized feedback to stay on track, celebrate wins, and refine your skills on your schedule.

Community Support

Connect with like-minded learners, gain inspiration from their progress, and share tips and encouragement to stay motivated.

What Will I Learn?

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